About Us
Montessori Broadmeadow Children’s House is a privately owned childcare business set in Newcastle, NSW, operating since 1996.
We are licensed by the Department of Community Services and meet regulations that are set by the department. Montessori Broadmeadow is a member of the National Childcare Accreditation Council who administers the Quality Improvement and Assurance System; we work hard towards maintaining and achieving a High Standard of Quality Care.
We welcome you to Montessori Children’s House Broadmeadow and hope that you and your children have many happy memories of your time here with us.

Our Staff
Educators working at our Centre are highly experienced and reflect the values and principles of the Montessori philosophy in their daily practice. It is based on a deep respect for each individual child. They often use the phrase “follow the child”. Working as a guide and facilitator, the educators create a well-prepared Montessori environment and an atmosphere of learning and inquisitiveness designed to move children from one activity level to the next.
The role of the educator is to link the children to the various activities in the environment through simple short presentations, and then to step back while the children are working, allowing them to learn from their own discoveries and draw their own conclusions. Rather than supplying children with answers, they are asked how they would solve the problem, actively engaging children in the learning process and enhancing critical thinking skills. Education and care cannot be separated, or considered different components, as they are inextricably linked to the whole development of a child.